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德國牧師與作家庫馬赫(1796-1868)的兩本經典名著《受苦的救主:默想基督在世最後的日子》和《復活的救主:從復活至五旬節的福音歷史》,翻譯已由兩位弟兄奉獻時間全部完成,唯校對與編輯排版等出版工作仍需預算約港幣HK$135,000元,敬請大家慷慨奉獻,亦轉告有心支持的家人。The Suffering Saviour and The Risen Redeemer are the classical works of the German pastor and writer Fredrick Krummacher. Two dear brothers have donated their time to translate the texts into Chinese. Publishing the Chinese editions will still require a budget of HK$ 135,000 (about US$17,300). Please support us and help spread this message to your friends. Thanks.

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